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هذا البرنامج يحتوي على دروس في برنامج مايكروسوفت اكسل، والذي يستخدم في عمل الجداول وتحليل البيانات وإدراج الرسوم البيانية.. سوف أقوم بشرح لأهم استخداماته وكيفية استخدام المعادلات.. البرنامج سيساعدكم في عمل تقارير رائعة سواء مرتبطة بالعمل أو لكم لاستخدامكم الشخصي لتطوير مهاراتكم.. البرنامج مستهدف للمبتدئين.. وقد يفيد المستوى المتوسط كذلك.. الشرح سيكون باللغة العربية مع بعض المصطلحات بالإنجليزي..
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    One of the world’s leading consulting firms, the McKinsey Global Institute, has identified a huge gap between the demand for people with deep analytical skills, and the supply of qualified candidates. They call it a “critical shortage”, totaling more than 150,000 people by 2018. They’re not only talking about careers in computer programming. They’re saying that these skills will be required for almost all middle-class careers, from HR to sales, accounting to purchasing, and even factory production workers. Where do you start, to improve your analytical skills and increase your opportunities for a good career? Start by learning Excel. Excel is the primary analytical tool used in business today. How do I know? I’m a senior business executive, with over 25 years of experience across several different industries. Excel is the perfect foundation on which to build your analytical skills. There are many Excel courses – why take one of mine? Because I’m a business executive, I know how Excel is used in business. I know the analytical skills needed. And don’t just take my word for it. Here's more proof A local university uses my Udemy courses to teach pivot tables. And my courses are recommended by the Oregon Business Education Association. What do they like about my courses? They like the realistic case studies. One case study is followed throughout the entire course, showing how business uses Excel to solve real-world problems. Students learn about Excel more deeply, and the knowledge “sticks”, because the course is more than just a list of commands and menu paths. The course is based on a real business problem that you solve during the course. This course covers these topics in Excel: Importing Text Files Date Functions Text Functions Logical Functions (IF, OR, AND) The VLOOKUP function, to make cross-reference tables Table Functions, including pivot tables and pivot charts Learn and master more than 47 Excel functions The course is targeted at people who have some familiarity with Excel. You should know how to edit data, create formulas, and use the copy / paste functions, like Control-C and Control-V. Content and Overview There are 27 lessons, comprising about 2 hours of video. The course is based on a case study, to evaluate the performance of two service companies. Each company has sent a text file with their repair history, thousands of records each. The data is dirty: there are duplicate records, the dates are encoded in text fields,and the product codes are not harmonized. Just like real life. Students will learn how to use Excel functions to import the data and clean up the files. Most lessons have a practice session. I provide two Excel files: the starting point and the finish point. I also provide the written script for each lesson. There's a quiz at the end, to ensure that you’ve mastered the topics. I make it easy for you to succeed. Let's get started!
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      Con este curso aprenderás las funciones básicas de Excel y cómo moverte fluidamente por las hojas de cálculo. Excel es una herramienta integrada en Microsoft Office que te permite trabajar rápida, confortable y eficientemente con conjuntos de números. Te permite aplicar fórmulas y funciones a datos numéricos y de texto. Ahorrarás mucho tiempo en el uso del programa, ya que aprenderás los atajos del teclado y acciones con el ratón que te permiten realizar tu trabajo de una forma más rápida y eficiente. Te ayudará a comprender la utilidad y cómo sacar partido a las hojas de cálculo, ya que comienza desde la base, lo que es esencial para realizar después cálculos más complejos. Si no sabes nada de Excel, es un gran curso para comenzar. Si ya manejas el programa, te dará pautas para optimizar el uso que haces de él. Este curso utiliza la versión de Excel 2016 en Español, pero también sirve para versiones anteriores, ya que incluye manuales de ayuda adicionales para versiones a partir de Excel 2000.
        Data analysis in Excel for Microsoft 365 has become simpler than ever. We have NEW Excel functions like XLOOKUP, FILTER, SORT, UNIQUE, SEQUENCE and MORE! PLUS: Microsoft has changed Excel’s calculation engine. This change impacts EVERYONE who uses Microsoft 365 version: Beginner to Advanced Excel users. There are MULTIPLE ways you can apply Dynamic Arrays and the NEW Excel Functions to YOUR Files. This course shows you how to MAXIMIZE the NEW Potential in Excel 365! For example: Use Excel's new FILTER Function to find multiple match results Use Excel's new XLOOKUP function for complex lookups (no more VLOOKUP or Index Match) Create Excel Dashboard reports in MINUTES instead of HOURS Create Pivot Table style reports, without using Pivot Tables - no need to press "refresh" this way Quickly create dynamic loan amortization reports in Excel or dynamic calendars Master the new UNIQUE, SORT & SORTBY Excel Functions Use the brand new Excel RANDARRAY Function to randomly sort lists Use VLOOKUP, IF and SUMIFS together with Excel Dynamic Arrays formulas In addition you'll learn: How to add Interactivity to your Excel reports as never done before How to use the new Dynamic Arrays formulas in your files How Excel's calculation engine has changed and how this impacts all existing formulas Compatibility & how older files behave in the new Excel and New Excel files in the old Excel Do Dynamic Arrays make our spreadsheets faster or slower? Use Dynamic Array referencing as Excel chart ranges Solve difficult problems - such as split text and numbers from alphanumeric values & much more... Most importantly - how to think outside the box to solve any challenges you come across But First: *** HOW TO CHECK IF YOUR EXCEL VERSION HAS DYNAMIC ARRAYS *** Do you have Excel for Microsoft 365? Then you already have dynamic arrays and the new Excel functions. Check out the free preview video called "Do you have Dynamic Arrays?" and do the test outline in the video. If you don't have dynamic arrays BUT you have Excel for Microsoft 365 run the latest update to install the new features. But please note: Excel dynamic arrays will NOT be a part of Excel 2010, Excel 2013, Excel 2016 or EVEN Excel 2019. Only in Excel 365 or Excel on the web. *** WHY TAKE THIS SPECIFIC EXCEL COURSE? *** Excel Dynamic Arrays are brand-new. Complex tasks will now be done with SIMPLE Excel formulas . Everything you wished Excel could do, can now be done! In this course you'll solve dozens of practical real-world examples. They'll help you think outside the box so you can work smarter not harder. In the course you will get: ⯆ Excel Practice & Solutions Workbooks for each section ⯆ Course notes outlining the MOST IMPORTANT Concepts ⯆ Quiz questions to test your understanding ***  WHY WOULD YOU CHOOSE TO LEARN EXCEL?  *** Excel can do so much for your career. It's just one program but it's the one hiring managers are interested in. That’s why basic Excel skills is a mandatory requirement for most office-based professionals today. Superior Microsoft Excel skills can get you a promotion. Some jobs require that to begin with. *** WHICH VERSION OF EXCEL IS USED IN THE COURSE? *** The course is applicable ONLY for Excel for Microsoft 365 (Also available for Excel on the Web). Dynamic Arrays will NOT be part of Excel 2019 perpetual license. *** Feedback from our students *** ★★★★★ "I highly recommend this well-organized course for anyone whose work/projects involve data analysis. The knowledge I've gained on the new dynamic array functions will raise the level of my analysis while making my work easier at the same time. The new functions are well explained with business examples, and the course notes will be a great reference!" Jennifer ★★★★★ “This course is magical. I am sure everyone using Excel will have to upgrade their knowledge soon. Thanks for the enlightening journey.” Dheeraj ★★★★★ “Very well organized and implemented course. It was easy to follow along yet challenging enough to learn. As an example, I had never used the CHOOSE function which was your solution in one of the advanced challenges. Still wanting to try and figure out the solution on my own (without seeing yours first), I tried watching a video from another YouTube instructor on that specific function. Unfortunately, I didn't really get it until I watched your instruction. The way you break down the components of a complex formula, showing various examples of how they work, before building up to the complete solution is a great method of teaching. Your advice for spilling component results next to the source data is an excellent method for troubleshooting formula problems...if I could only get the hang of it and remember to do it!” Stephanie ★★★★★ “I give you a big 10 for the explanation of this course, I learned a lot from it.” Jos There's a 100% money back guarantee. You have nothing to lose. Check out the lectures inside and see if you can apply the techniques to your work. The course comes with lifetime access. Buy now. Watch anytime.
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          Microsoft Excel- The Complete Guide The Microsoft Excel course has been designed in such nice way with lot of examples make sure that you understood the concept of Microsoft Excel and have a life time experience. Having the experience more than 13 years in Microsoft Excel, taught more than 1300 students and placed them around the globe. Let me tell you few benefits of this Microsoft Excel course: - Creating effective spreadsheets in Microsoft Excel Navigating around Microsoft Excel Able to enter and edit data in Microsoft Excel Excellent presentation in Microsoft Excel Effective formulas for speedup the work Learn how to visually represent your data with charts and graphs in Microsoft Excel Master in Microsoft Excel data tools like sorting, subtotalling, and filtering Learn how to "freeze columns and rows" with freeze panes in Microsoft Excel Learn how to remove duplicates from data in Microsoft Excel Learn how to " transpose data " - switching the  columns and rows in Microsoft Excel Learn how to use Microsoft Excel to leverage data with Pivot Tables & Pivot Charts Learn how to format worksheets in Microsoft Excel for impact and  appeal Learn how to automate Microsoft Excel tasks with time-saving macros Learn how to integrate Microsoft Excel with Microsoft Word Learn how to use passwords in Microsoft Excel to protect your work in multiple scenarios Learn tips and tricks about Microsoft Excel, as well as Microsoft Excel secrets and  shortcuts Learn how to use printing and sharing in Microsoft Excel Managing large sets of data Mastering the use of some of Microsoft Excel most popular and highly sought-after functions ( SUM, VLOOKUP, IF,      AVERAGE, INDEX/MATCH and many more...) Create dynamic report with Microsoft Excel PivotTables Audit Microsoft Excel Worksheet formulas to ensure clean formulas Automate your day to day Microsoft Excel tasks by mastering the power of Macros
            Learn to calculate how much money you can save by making additional payments into your home loan / mortgage or other loan. In this course we'll learn how to use the Financial Loan formulas in Excel to calculate how much money you can save when making additional payments into your loan.  We'll also learn to calculate the exact period at which you can pay your loan off.  This will really assist you to set achievable goals regarding your outstanding mortgage bond. This course will take you through a step-by-step guide to create a spreadsheet which details the payment for each period of a loan over the lifetime of the loan.  In the example we look at a mortgage bond of 1,500,000 which is paid monthly over 20 years. The course is created using Excel 2016 and although prior versions of Excel have all the same functionality, the screen may look different so if you are not comfortable using Excel you could get confused.  You really should have some basic knowledge of Excel already and you should be able to use formulas and understand how to link cells into formulas. The topics we cover in the course are: The Excel PMT function to calculate the monthly payment The Excel IPMT function to calculate the interest portion of each months payment The Excel PPMT function to calculate the principal (capital) portion of each months payment The Excel IF function for logical conditions It is very encouraging to calculate how much you can save on your bond with even small additional amounts! You can easily find templates or similar calculations but this course will truly help you understand how a loan works.
              In this course you will learn how to use a number of formulas that will help you get your work done with less effort, as well as how to leverage the benefits of Excel tables.  You will also learn about using conditional formatting. This course is lead by Ian Littlejohn - an international trainer, consultant and data analyst with over 125 000 enrollments & 100 000 students on Udemy. Ian specializes in teaching data analysis techniques, Excel Pivot Tables, Power Pivot, Microsoft Power BI, Google Data Studio & Amazon Quicksight & his courses average over 4.5 stars out of 5. Recent reviews: "This training was very helpful in upgrading knowledge in Excel with the help of practical exercises. I would definitely recommend this course." "Excellent, efficient and informative course. The exercises after each set of videos was particularly useful." "I found the course very informative. I am pretty good with excel but I learned quite a few tips and tricks that I can implement." In this course you will learn how to use a number of formulas that will help you get your work done with less effort, as well as how to leverage the benefits of Excel tables.  You will also learn about using conditional formatting. This course is lead by Ian Littlejohn - an international trainer, consultant and data analyst with over 125 000 enrollments & 100 000 students on Udemy. Ian specializes in teaching data analysis techniques, Excel Pivot Tables, Power Pivot, Microsoft Power BI, Google Data Studio & Amazon Quicksight & his courses average over 4.5 stars out of 5. **** Life time access to course materials and practice activities. **** Welcome to this course on Tables, Conditional Formatting and Excel formulas.  This course is for all Excel users who want to take their Excel skills and capabilities to the next level. This course will increase your productivity as you use tables, conditional formatting and formulas with ease in your Excel spreadsheets.  The course is presented in an easy to follow step by step approach.  The course also includes practical activities for you to practice the skills that you have been learnt on the course. The course will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the following: Tables How to create and format Tables How to easily filter data in text, numeric and date fields Easily Sum, Average, Count and use Max and Min in your tables Use Slicers to easily filter Table data Conditional Formatting How to apply conditional formatting rules How to easily highlight the Top 10 Learn to use Data Bars and Color Scales Learn to apply icons Formulas Learn SUMIF, SUMIFS, AVERAGEIF, AVERAGEIFS, COUNTIF and COUNTIFS Learn a range of Date formula such as Year, Month, WeekDay, NetWorkDays amd WorkDay Learn Text formulas such as LEFT, MID, RIGHT and TRIM Learn to use the IF formula to create powerful 'IF Then' logic Learn the HLOOKUP and VLOOKUP This course is presented in Excel 2013. A minimum of Excel 2007 is required to be able to work with the Tables, Conditional Formatting and some of the formula functions.
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                WHAT’S YOUR STORY? Are you a business professional needing to up-skill? Are you struggling to get a pay-rise and/or promotion? Are you a recent graduate with an empty looking resume and no job experience? Have you recently been laid off, fired or had a contract end? If you answered 'yes' to any of the above then having “Expert Microsoft Office Skills” will get you closer to your goal of either landing your first job, a new job or progressing further in your current role. Here's why. The job market has never been more volatile. Statistically, people are changing jobs more often now than they ever have before and that also means people are also losing jobs to newcomers who are far more skilled. So if you’re not up-skilling, you’re falling behind. It’s scary I know. I’ve experienced this myself. A study released by Microsoft and the IDC showed that among 14.6 million job postings, proficiency in Microsoft Office was ranked 2nd as the most desired skills by employers leading up to 2020. Microsoft Office proficiency ranked higher than Project Management skills, Sales Experience, Time Management, Analytical Skills, Interpersonal Skills and Work Ethics. This is because we live in the digital age, meaning employers are looking for proficient data handlers who process data faster, are more data-organised and can communicate effectively via digital channels. These are skills everyone should have no matter the discipline because they are transferable skills. It makes you more adaptable and more valuable in the long-term. This brings us back to Microsoft Office. It is the oldest, most well-known, most affordable and most trusted data management tool available and hence everyone uses it. So to be noticed and taken seriously in your job or job application, proficiency in these programs is compulsory. ONLINE TRAINING AND THE MOST COMMON PROBLEMS One of the most common problems with online learning content is that there is so much of it now and it’s difficult to know where to start or who to turn to. Many go the YouTube route and piece together videos from hundreds of tutorials from hundreds of tutors hoping to become an expert at the end of it all. This simply won’t happen and will just waste your time. Many take the route you’re about to take, they decide to enroll in an online training course. Many charge hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars for their courses which is simply unaffordable for university students, recent graduates, the unemployed or those looking for a career change. That is the reason why I have decided to keep this course as low as possible even though I’m offering substantially more content than most of my competitors here on Udemy. COURSE DELIVERY STYLE I have been using Microsoft Office for over 20 years. I know the in’s and out’s and the simplest ways of doing things. My delivery philosophy is simple, if I can’t get a 6 year old to follow along and understand, than I’m not teaching correctly. I hate complicated language and so do you. Nobody likes trainers who focus on impressing rather than teaching and giving value to students. That is also why my lecture videos are as short as can be and divided into small sections for easy consumption. So you won’t get unnecessary chit chat or nonsense. I also assume that all my students are near-sighted and as such, I use a special software tool that allows me to draw on the screen to show exactly what I’m about to press as well as zoom in on small area’s so you don’t miss a thing. WHAT YOU’LL LEARN IN THIS COURSE The proper use and understanding of formula's in Microsoft Excel is essential in mastering the full program. It is a foundation skill that should not be ignored! I'll teach you from the ground up how to construct and perform manual calculations, nested formula's, logic based functions, cell linkages, autosum functions and text/number concatenation. Along with these functions I'll also cover additional techniques such as decimal place setting and formula expansion. ABOUT ME Member of the Udemy Council Co-Founded Paperclip Learning which teaches Microsoft Office Over 60,000 students Over 130,000 enrollments Over 5,000 Positive Reviews Over 20 courses on Udemy Teaching is my passion and my creative outlet. I have been using the Microsoft Office package since I was a child and have been using it consistently throughout my life. My teaching experiences span from teaching primary school students, high school students, university graduates and business professionals. Professionally, I am trained in Aerospace Engineering, Database Design and Business Analytics. TESTIMONIALS Yu Hui Jun Yu - The courses are simply amazing and I can learn them rapidly. The hints presented were also very useful. I like the 'mini-lesson' format. Fast and efficient. The instructor's direction is very detailed and easy to understand. I can immediately start using this program. Thanks! Narayanan Krishnamoorthy - Perfect and to the point...the instructor doesn’t waste time and gets to the point quickly!! Lala Darchinova - I've been looking for this kind of course for ages! And finally I find it. Short, comprehensive and absolutely interesting! Thank you for the work you are doing. Spencer Berkman - Extremely knowledgeable and clear on instructions. E Frank - Simple to learn techniques and instructor made it all really easy. Thank you! Parth Gandhi - I learned techniques in a very short need to google and waste time finding the perfect approach
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                  Master Excel Formulas, Tips & Tricks. Learn to use Excel's Amazingly Powerful Formulas and the Tips and Tricks I've picked up over the past 20 years using Excel. It doesn't take that much effort to go from someone barely proficient in utilizing Excel to become the Superstar at your organization. Being the Excel Guru has afforded me a lot of opportunities where I may not otherwise have the chance to participate. We'll look at formulas, tips & tricks that I use almost every day while working. I don't want this training to end there. I'd like as much participation on your part as possible, letting me know exactly what problems you are having a tough time solving. This way I can learn what issues you are having and cater the training to meet YOUR needs! So what you are waiting for? Sign up right now and let's get started. See you inside!
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